The Pragmatic Upgrade of Your Life you Require & Deserve
2 monthly live calls with Amanda
Challenges, invites & playful questions
A community of equals supporting each other

If you’re here that means you're different. Not only don't you fit, but you've been looking. You know something else is possible.

Here your weird & your difference is not only welcome, it’s celebrated. And I believe that we together can help each other go from a mundane life to one where we wake up every morning excited to be alive. 

That’s my big vision, my target. Not just for myself and for you guys, but for the world and the future of this planet.

Is now the time?

Hi, I’m Amanda.

I used to wake up in the morning bored already from the second I opened my eyes. I did what I had to do during the day, unsatisfied with my business & uninspired with my relationship and social life. Seeking excitement in clubbing & drinking but only finding it temporarily, the next morning was just as boring again.

I would stay awake at night feeling restless & frustrated. It kept nagging at me but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was…the possibility of something else, it was like the universe was quietly whispering to me but I wasn’t listening. I spent most of my energy trying to convince myself I was happy and that I should be satisfied, after all from the outside I had the perfect life. But on the inside I was constantly suppressing my knowing of a completely different reality.

I tried my very best to swallow this reality and make it my own at the same time as I somewhere KNEW I was an alien and that my reality was actually something completely different. My body was constantly trying to tell me “WAKE UP!!!”..I didn’t listen and I got more and more frustrated. I tried to be linear, normal…and I tried to fit in, push myself into a tiny box and live up to who I was supposed to be. I was constantly tired and didn’t have any energy to explore anything new so I just continued on with every day basically being the same, stuck in groundhog day. It was like every cell in my body and being was shouting at me, trying to make me listen and choose to be ME, and I fought against it with all my might.

When I found the tools of Access Consciousness® it was like the puzzle pieces finally started to fall into place and I found ME. Here was this body of work & this community that I had searched for, that the Universe had gently ushered me towards. The tools of Access was the upgrade I had been looking for and by using them diligently my life went from black & white to technicolour. Is it perfect? No. Am I alive? Yes!

So why this membership..?

Do you you lack confidence to make different choices?
Are you waiting for permission?
Are you making your life smaller to not lose people around you?
Do you feel stuck in the past?

Do you feel restless, bored & uninspired?
Are you plagued by guilt for never being satisfied?

Have you somewhere, somehow always known something else should be possible?

This membership is a deep dive and a gentle support all at the same time. Here we use the pragmatic & simple tools of Access Consciousness®
to vulnerably explore what else is truly possible.

Our playground for this membership is Telegram, this is where the tribe lives & breathes! This means that I will not send you a godzillion emails, actually I won’t send you any emails at all (yay!). Once you’ve signed up you will receive the link to join our Telegram group & then voilá the exploration can begin.

Great calls! It’s like meeting your friends and have fun.
The questions open doors for more space. Thanks Amanda
— Zainab, Sweden
I love how open, congruent and real Amanda is in her own exploration and demonstration of exploring new possibilities from question and space. It allows you to perceive & receive while you wonder and marvel along your own personal quest.

THRIVE membership feels like an ongoing conversation, where everyone is invited to join in. Its a generative space where nothing is wrong and nothing needs to be fixed. I always look forward to the bi-weekly calls!
— Ivy, Belgium